Is your next financial decision a bankruptcy or consumer proposal? In Canada, you are required to use a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to file insolvency. learn how to pick the right one using five questions.
Consumers need credit for certain things, but can you get a credit card during a bankruptcy? Learn the pros and cons of obtaining new credit during, and after your bankruptcy.
Are you confused by the overwhelming amount of information on the internet when it comes to insolvency? Find out the reasons why you only need to consult a Licensed Insolvency Trustees for this advice.
Are you concerned about long-term implications of filing bankruptcy? There are misconceptions of how it affects your future. Explore our top 10 tips on how to get your life back following bankruptcy.
Having job security is a luxury that not all individuals have, so what happens if you lose your job and extra debt starts building up? Explore a case study of one of our client’s in a similar situation.
What difference does filing for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal have on your ability to practice law? If you're a lawyer facing debt problems here's what you need to know before choosing.
Does having a current or past bankruptcy affect your ability to sponsor someone immigrating to Canada? Find out if and when you are able to be a sponsor during insolvency and alternative options you may have.
About 1/5th of insolvencies in Canada are due to medical debts. Find out the primary factor contributing to medical bankruptcy and issues that arise with it, as well as if insolvency can eliminate these debts.
Insolvency offers people a fresh financial start, however it does come with some consequences. In this blog we’ll show you how to deal with these consequences, from the emotional toll to loss of assets.
Two credit counselling sessions are mandatory if you decide to file for insolvency. Doug Hoyes explains why they are a required duty of you and what you will learn in these sessions.
Are you falling behind on payments and accruing unmanageable debt? Is bankruptcy looking like your next step? Before filing, find out what 5 important things you need to consider first.
It’s not uncommon for an insolvent debtor to want to go back to school. But are they eligible for OSAP during insolvency? Find out what factors make you eligible and what is required in your application.
To be discharged from a bankruptcy there are certain duties that need to be completed first, one of which may include surplus income payments. Find out what surplus income is and 5 reasons it’s important.
Are you a medical doctor in Canada and experiencing overwhelming financial hardship? Will you still be able to practise and what debt relief options are best for you? Ted Michalos explains.
Bankruptcy deals with unsecured and secured creditors differently. We define each type of creditors and explain how these debts are handled in a bankruptcy or consumer proposal.