Comments on: Credit Repair Loan or ‘Savings’ Loans. Are They Worth It? Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc. | Ontario Licensed Insolvency Trustees Thu, 13 Jan 2022 19:24:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, LIT Fri, 16 Dec 2016 16:18:32 +0000 In reply to Denise.

Hi Denise. If you are unhappy with their service, I would suggest you contact them directly and ask how they are helping you, and if you are not satisfied ask them for a refund.

By: Denise Sat, 10 Dec 2016 17:14:55 +0000 Refresh financial is it really a scam. Pls contact me or tell me if there is a way to get out of it. I just signed up with them but didn’t start payments untill January. Pls help

By: Kia Khosravi Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:28:29 +0000 refresh financial is a scam! and they target the most vulnerable group of society under the disguise of help!

they also sell your information to other lending companies such as easy home to harass you with phone calls around Christmas and offer you dirty loans at a whopping 46% interest!

By: Dave Mon, 11 Jul 2016 23:26:01 +0000 In reply to Dave.

I wanted to add too that after 3 months Refresh Financial had not reported anything further to the credit bureau and although I got out of the agreement through the BBB, I never saw a refund or received the contract.

By: Dave Mon, 11 Jul 2016 23:20:25 +0000 Stay away from refresh financial, they are a scam with their ‘reverse loans’. If you want true credit repair then get a secured credit card through HomeTrust or CapitalOne. Refresh Financial has a 33% shareholder which is EasyFinancial and they have over 60 BBB complaints because EF are sneaking the Refresh Financial plan into loans. I know, because it happened to me. Refresh took $50 out of my account bi-weekly until it went to the BBB and I closed my account. What they do, if give you a REVERSE loan which means you pay them for a number of years of which you pay interest and fees and then they give you a portion of the money back while they report to the credit bureau after so much time. It may sound ok, but you are paying a premium interest rate and admin fees for money that will be returned later. You DO NOT actually get a loan with them. Check out the BBB and read the complaints then make a choice.

By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Tue, 27 Oct 2015 23:16:42 +0000 In reply to Tammy v..

Hi Tammy. You can file a bankruptcy a second time, but the bankruptcy will last longer and probably cost more the second time. If you are not working you will need to consider whether or not bankruptcy is your best option, so I suggest you contact us and one of our trustees can review your situation and help you review your options.

By: Tammy v. Mon, 26 Oct 2015 00:02:23 +0000 How many times can anyone file for bankruptcy or do a consumer proposal. I filed bankruptcy way back in 2002 I think and with me not working and not getting a heck of a lot of money am having a hard time paying my bills.
