Comments on: Cash Store Payday Lender Having Some Problems Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc. | Ontario Licensed Insolvency Trustees Thu, 07 Apr 2022 17:28:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Tue, 24 Mar 2015 16:46:25 +0000 In reply to Marion.

Hi Marion. The correct strategy for you will depend on your circumstances. On a limited income you could simply offer your creditors a set amount each month, based on what you can afford. You could advise them that you can’t afford to pay anything and stop paying them. They can’t garnishee your wages (because you don’t have any), but they can still pursue you for the money. You could also file bankruptcy. Here is a link to bankruptcy trustees in British Columbia who could meet with you (for free) to help you make your decision.

By: Marion Mon, 23 Mar 2015 18:35:55 +0000 Hi Doug, I live in BC and had a loan with Cash Store.
My account was transferred over to Money Mart. I ended up paying my account at Money Mart and also full amount of my loan from Cash Store.
Money Mart felt sorry for me and gave me the full amount back and my loan with them which is my whole pay cheque. I am on OAS & CPP so very little money to live on…It is like I am on a treadmill!
Could you advise me as to a better way to go? My bank will not lend me money.
Thank you

By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Sat, 21 Mar 2015 13:03:29 +0000 In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna. You are correct that all lenders that have high interest rates cause problems. We see it with payday loan companies, and with finance companies. It is a significant percentage of people with debt who have these high interest loans. We are working on updating our xxx study so stay tuned for more detailed numbers.

By: Donna Fri, 20 Mar 2015 05:01:34 +0000 I for one am happy to see them go, I’m sorry that people are out of work but this company should be out of business. I think you make a lot of very good points on Payday Loans and Bankruptcy issues for people who take out these loans. I’m working on getting Predatory Lending laws in Canada, I believe its well overdue.

In one of the articles I read you mentioned the percentage of people who filed for Bankruptcy who had taken out Payday Loans. I wonder if you have any numbers on people who may have taken out loans with Companies such as Citifinancial, Wells Fargo etc., I am sure a lot of people that you helped were victims of these Companies and their predatory ways.

By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Thu, 08 Jan 2015 12:36:45 +0000 In reply to William S..

Hi William. A judgment is a matter of public record, so if a creditor obtains a judgment in court, it does appear in court records, and on the debtor’s credit report.

I’m not a lawyer, so I can give you an authoritative answer on your question about posting someone’s name and photo on the wall of their store or window, but I would assume that doing so would violate privacy laws, and would probably be considered a form of harassment, unless the debtor agreed in advance to that treatment.

By: William S. Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:09:00 +0000 Can a payday loan company publish their judgement if they win in small claims court? For example, put the person’s name and photo on the wall of their store or in their window?

By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:54:57 +0000 Hi Dave. Thanks for your comments. No, I am not a lawyer. As you correctly state I am a bankruptcy trustee, and Hoyes Michalos is a firm that does bankruptcies and consumer proposals, and you are correct that we “have a stake in this”. I’m the guy people come to when they have more payday loans than they can pay back and it causes them a lot of trouble, and that’s why I’m trying to get the word out about how payday loans work.

I don’t understand your comment that we will “not give you all of the facts”. In my follow up post on April 16: I link to the 500 pages of court documents in this case, and I encourage everyone to read them.

The point is this: if you owe The Cash Store money they can attempt to collect it. In Ontario they are not currently permitted to offer new loans, which is causing them serious cash flow problems, necessitating their application for bankruptcy protection.

By: Dave Thu, 24 Apr 2014 04:38:15 +0000 Are you a lawyer? Reason i ask is because i find it very hard to believe that a company that was convicted of operating without a payday lender license can call it a legal loan in the first place and secondly since the judgement that the line of credit was in fact the same as a payday loan all loans give after the conviction in November a not worth the paper they are wrote on which is why they are not charging customers any interest on them now. If you read their collection policy and carefully read how it is written you will see what i am talking about. Remember this is a bankruptcy firm site. They make money if you file bankruptcy so they will not give all of the facts as they have a stake in this.

By: J. Douglas Hoyes, CA, Trustee Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:51:58 +0000 Legally, yes, just because your lender is having problems that does not mean that you can avoid the loan. Even if they went out of business they could sell their loan portfolio to another lender, who would have the right to collect on it. So, if you can afford to deal with the loan, you should. If you can’t pay it back, and/or if you have other loans, you should give our office a call to consider your options.

By: Andrea Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:11:49 +0000 I wanted to know in regards to all of the articles on the cash store, if you have a loan with them, are you required to pay them back, if they are in this situation?
