Are You Prepared For The Unexpected?
Being prepared for unexpected life events like illness or accidents is really important when it comes to personal finances. Learn about life and health insurance, and which is the best plan for you.
Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our blog includes podcasts, videos, articles, case studies and Industry Insights about consumer proposals and bankruptcy in Ontario as well as personal finance, credit rebuilding and other money management tips for anyone looking to get out of, or stay out of, debt.
Being prepared for unexpected life events like illness or accidents is really important when it comes to personal finances. Learn about life and health insurance, and which is the best plan for you.
Identify theft and fraud are easier than ever in today’s society because everything is electronic. Find out how this can lead to significant debt and steps you can take to protect yourself from both.
A common fear is that trustees work for creditors. We explain why it's best for LITs to ensure you get the best deal and can afford your payments and how we compare to other debt consultants.
What strategy you should you use to pay off debt - small balances or high interest debts? We explore the pros and cons of 2 common repayment approaches and provide tips to help you pay off debt faster.
Choosing the right debt settlement plan is important. We explore the impact of different options on your credit report and how each can resolve your debt problems and begin the credit repair process sooner.
Learning how to create and follow through with budgeting can be very tedious and outright difficult. In this blog, we share why budgets tend to fail and provide our unique budgeting approach.
Unlicensed debt relief companies use specific terminology to draw clients in. We expose the facts behind debt settlement in Canada, debt management plans and why consumer proposals are often better.
What is the significance of a good credit score? Is having a low score really bad? Our experts explain credit scores, when a poor score may be okay and the downfalls of credit repair companies.
Are you being bombarded with calls from collection agents and are eager for advice on how to navigate these conversations? Here are our top 10 tips for you when dealing with collection calls.
Money stress over the holidays can lead to depression and anxiety during what should be a happy time. We talk with a counsellor about how to adjust expectations and make for a calmer, and more satisfied season.
We talk with expert Gail Vaz-Oxlade about how to balance saying no versus always saying yes when it comes to your finances and how to have hard money conversations with family and friends.
Certain types of mortgages and mortgage lenders lead to higher risk for insolvent homeowners. Learn about why alternate, private mortgage market and non-bank lenders may not be the best choice.
Licensed Insolvency Trustees are regulated by the federal government but obtain licenses to work in each province in Canada. Find out how where you live impacts where to find a trustee to work with.
We explain privacy laws and your rights when it comes to collection agents, how you can protect your personal information and what to do if it’s disclosed wrongly.
The Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act states you must surrender all credit cards. Our experts offer advice on how to manage purchases without a credit card during bankruptcy and when you can apply for a new card.