Is a Consumer Proposal a Good Idea?
Filing a consumer proposal is a debt relief strategy that offers many advantages if you qualify. Explore our guide on conducting a consumer proposal assessment and one of the benefits of a proposal.
Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our blog includes podcasts, videos, articles, case studies and Industry Insights about consumer proposals and bankruptcy in Ontario as well as personal finance, credit rebuilding and other money management tips for anyone looking to get out of, or stay out of, debt.
Filing a consumer proposal is a debt relief strategy that offers many advantages if you qualify. Explore our guide on conducting a consumer proposal assessment and one of the benefits of a proposal.
Tax debts can be a tricky circumstance to navigate, especially if you are not sure who can help you deal with the issue. Find out what to do and who to seek help from in specific tax debt situations.
The payday loan industry is thriving in Canada; it keeps consumers coming back and causes them to fall into more debt. We explore ways to solve this problem, the role of government regulations and more.
The biggest longer term negative for a credit score is if you continue to carry very high debt balances. In this blog we explore why dealing with your debts is critical to improving your credit.
Are you wondering how the government regulates insolvency in Canada? Our experts explain how the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy regulates these legal proceedings and the required trustees.
Debt problems carry an emotional burden but should they? Doug Hoyes explains why falling into the trap of excessive debt may not be your fault but can be something you take charge of.
Are you considering a credit repair or savings loan to improve your credit? In this blog we look at a real example and explore why credit repair programs can be too costly for the benefits they provide.
Debtors are a vulnerable population constantly targeted by deceptive financial services. Ted Michalos explores the harm of 2 of these services and provides tips on how you can navigate misleading ads.
Drug addiction and accruing some form of debt is not uncommon. In this blog, we explore a scenario of one of our clients in this hardship and how eliminating debts through bankruptcy was part of his recovery.
If both you and your partner struggle with common debt you are both liable for, we explain when it's possible to file one consumer proposal jointly and how this can save you money.
Yes you need a credit score to apply for a loan, but as Ted Michalos explains, credit scores and credit bureaus are there to benefit lenders and themselves and why you should be aware of how they work.
Learn about changes regarding 407 ETR debts and The Execution Act and how toll road debts are eliminated through bankruptcy and why ETR can no longer withhold your licensed renewal if you file insolvency.
If you are filing for insolvency in Ontario as a human resource professional you need to notify the Registrar’s office immediately by law. Find out what situations can result in suspension of privileges.
Many debtors are caught in a payday loan cycle, and as Licensed Insolvency Trustees we strive to educate on the harms these loans actually cause. One trap used is good customer service. Learn more here.
Are you interested in learning more about how we lobby for debtors? Doug Hoyes explains the 2015 changes made to bankruptcy law, how some assets are less protected and what we did to push for change.