Ted Michalos
BAS, CPA, LIT Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Ted Michalos strongly believes that debt management advice should be delivered without gimmicks and without tricks. He is enthusiastic about ensuring clients understand all of their options and that Hoyes Michalos helps them develop a custom-tailored plan to deal with their debts. Ted firmly believes in connecting people with people, which is why Hoyes Michalos has real people behind the phones and licensed professionals following up on emails.
Ted is a prolific writer, contributing answers and advice on our blog and on several insolvency and debt relief sites, including Advisor.ca. He has appeared as an expert on bankruptcy and debt related matters including appearances on CBC News, Global TV and Business News Network. Ted has also appeared before the Ontario Bar Association and the Canadian Senate.

- BAS, Trent University, 1991
- CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant), Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario, 1994
- Licensed Insolvency Trustee and Consumer Proposal Administrator, Government of Canada, 2000
Professional Experience
- Deloitte & Touche, 1991 – 1996
- PricewaterhouseCoopers, 1996 – 1998
- Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc., Co-Founder, 1999 – present