Check out our new documentary DEBTASIZED.

Check out our new documentary DEBTASIZED.

Hoyes Michalos Fresh Start Resource Centre

Debt Free in 30. Let’s Get Started.

At Hoyes, Michalos & Associates we believe anyone can overcome their financial challenges with the right tools, advice and effort. We have assembled some useful material in our resource centre to help our clients and website visitors to rise to the challenge.

Our free e-books and guides are available in PDF format. If you are unable to read these files you will need to download Adobe Reader.

Fresh Start Application

Please follow the instructions below:

Click here to download our free bankruptcy fresh start and consumer proposal application form, as well as, our general information questionnaire.

Once you have completed this application please call one of our bankruptcy offices in Ontario to book an appointment with one of our associates.

Fresh Start Ebook – Your Guide to Becoming Debt Free

We are pleased to offer you a concise guide to living debt free. Read more about your debt relief options in Ontario by clicking on the link below and downloading your free Fresh Start e-book.

Click here to download our Fresh Start e-book


More Free Resources

As part of our commitment to help you rebuild your finances and live debt free we have created other helpful tools and resources which you can download for free as part of our Debt Free in 30 Newsletter program.

Budget Planning Workbook

Budgeting is an important part of developing a workable debt repayment plan.

Click here to download our comprehensive budget planning workbook.

Credit Repair 101 Ebook

Learn everything you need to know about credit repair.

Click here to download our Credit Rebuilding 101 E-book.

Find an Office Near You

Offices throughout Toronto and Ontario

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5.0 Stars - Based on 1927 User Reviews

What our clients have to say:

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“From the moment I made the initial contact, I was pleasantly surprised and very thankful. Scott put me right at ease, he made everything make sense and it was quite painless. MOST of all he LISTENED to my situation and came up with a plan that made most sense for ME and met my needs. I felt welcome and at ease by all staff I came in contact with right to the receptionist at the front door. They kept in touch with me every step of the way, never left me waiting and worrying and at the end of the day I felt lighter and brighter and that for the first time in a long time everything was going to be OK. It was never in my plan to do this and I felt bad about it, but you cannot change the way that life changes and in my case it was the best option I had. Highly highly recommend this firm...very professional, extremely friendly and very very caring...Thank you Hoyes for changing my life so I can breathe again...”