Check out our new documentary DEBTASIZED.

Check out our new documentary DEBTASIZED.

Debt Repayment & Consumer Proposal Calculator

Debt Options Calculator

Our debt calculator provides a comparison of what your monthly debt repayment might look like under different debt relief options including a debt consolidation loan, debt management plan and consumer proposal. Actual results may vary as each situation is unique.  Your actual payments will be based on your income, assets and debts but this calculator provides a comparison of the potential cost of each option.

Simply enter your total unsecured debt, including credit card debt, bank loans, lines of credit, payday loans and tax debts. Do not include mortgage or secured car loans.

Enter Your Total Unsecured Debt


To Eliminate Your Debt
Monthly Payment (approximate)
Over 5 Years
Total Cost
Over 5 Years
Total Savings
Over 5 Years
Consumer Proposal
Pay Less than Principal Debt Amount

Credit Counselling
No Principal Reduction

Debt Consolidation
Added Interest Costs

Repay Debt on Your Own
Added Interest Costs

Options To Eliminate Your Debt
Consumer Proposal
Pay Less than Principal Debt Amount
Monthly Payments

Total Cost Over 5 Years:
Total Savings In 5 Years:
Credit Counselling
No Principal Reduction
Monthly Payments

Total Cost Over 5 Years:
Total Savings In 5 Years:
Debt Consolidation
Added Interest Costs
Monthly Payments

Total Cost Over 5 Years:
Total Savings In 5 Years:
Repay Debt on Your Own
Added Interest Costs
Monthly Payments

Total Cost Over 5 Years:
Total Savings In 5 Years:

Got Questions?

Call: 1-866-747-0660 or fill out the form below to get started.