Howard Hayes
BTEC, CIRP, LIT Licensed Insolvency Trustee
Howard is a natural strategist. He enjoys the challenge of understanding his clients’ financial troubles and causes and then getting them on a path to financial victory. That’s why he’s so passionate about his job as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
Born and raised in the United Kingdom; Howard made the permanent move to Canada after he met his wife here on holidays. He loves the culture, diversity, and way of life that Canada has to offer.
For 15 years, Howard has been helping individuals overcome their debt problems and gain a fresh financial start. As the Licensed Insolvency Trustee and Consumer Proposal Administrator at both our Cambridge and Brantford offices, Howard is excited to meet with new clients every day and help them overcome their debt problems with tailored solutions.

- BTec Business & Finance – North Lindsey Technical College, 1992
- CIRP (Chartered Insolvency Restructuring Professional), 2012
- Licensed Insolvency Trustee and Consumer Proposal Administrator, Government of Canada, 2013
Professional Experience
- ServiceSource Europe, 2002 – 2004
- Credit & Debt Services, 2005 – 2007
- Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc., 2007 – present