You don’t need to pay a credit repair company or service to fix your credit report or rebuild bad credit. It is possible to repair your credit score on your own, even if you file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal.
You can begin the process of rebuilding bad credit with the steps and tips provided by our experts in our new Credit Repair Course.
At Hoyes Michalos we’re here to help. We know rebuilding credit is a top concern for our clients. That’s why we built an entire video course to help you understand how credit scoring works and how you can rebuild. The course is entirely free, with short, easy-to-digest videos. Doug Hoyes provides practical information on:
how to manage your credit score
what kinds of credit cards to get when rebuilding credit
how to get a free copy of your credit report and fix mistakes on your report
how to establish new credit accounts, and so much more!
Want to learn more about credit repair? Read our blog posts or enroll in our Free Credit Rebuilding Course.
Learn how to rebuild your credit. Get a step-by-step plan on how to build a positive credit history and improve your credit score with our free online video course.
You're probably familiar with Canada's credit bureaus already. After all, they provide you with your credit report. But how do credit bureaus collect your information and what more should you know about credit reporting agencies? Scott Schaefer explains in this post.
In this comprehensive post, learn how your credit score is impacted, what brings a credit score up and down, and get the facts on common credit score myths. We also outline what lenders consider when approving new credit applications.
We know it can be hard to go without a credit card when you file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal. We explain whether it's a good idea to get a credit card during your filing or immediately after and if you do get a card, which credit card issuers are best to start with.
A credit report outlines your unique financial history. Find out what information may be damaging to your report, how long it affects your credit and how to make improvements to your credit moving forward.
Your credit history directly affects your credit score and report. Our guide explains what you need to know about credit history, how it affects your ability to borrow and how to manage it.
Credit reports carry a lot of information about the money you borrow, how you make payments and even some personal information. Find out what's on your report and how to read a typical credit report.
It's non uncommon for credit reporting companies to make mistakes on credit reports. We explain why you should check your credit report yearly, common mistakes to look out for, and how to fix them.
It's important to understand what impacts your credit score if you are trying to rebuild or repair a low score. We explore 7 important facts you should know and what they mean.
Repairing your credit report after insolvency or small financial mistakes can be difficult if you don’t have the right tools. We’ll explain 5 steps you need to follow to successfully repair your credit on your own.
Do you check your credit report on an annual basis? We believe it’s an important and healthy financial practise. Learn about why and how to check your report, as well as how to ensure there are no errors.
Completing a bankruptcy or consumer proposal offers a fresh financial start. Doug Hoyes explains how you can rebuild your credit following insolvency and how long rebuilding credit after insolvency can take.
The biggest longer term negative for a credit score is if you continue to carry very high debt balances. In this blog we explore why dealing with your debts is critical to improving your credit.
Are you considering a credit repair or savings loan to improve your credit? In this blog we look at a real example and explore why credit repair programs can be too costly for the benefits they provide.
Yes you need a credit score to apply for a loan, but as Ted Michalos explains, credit scores and credit bureaus are there to benefit lenders and themselves and why you should be aware of how they work.
What is the significance of a good credit score? Is having a low score really bad? Our experts explain credit scores, when a poor score may be okay and the downfalls of credit repair companies.