Credit Card Debt
We know it can be stressful when you're unable to make your credit card payments. In this post, we help you understand the potential consequences if you fall behind on your credit card debt, as well as, options for eliminating debt.
Are you considering a credit card for yourself? Or you already have one and can’t figure out how to use it wisely? This post explores our top credit card tips to successfully avoid debt problems.
Paying down debt doesn't have to take big chunks of money. Doug Hoyes explains how to pay down debt sooner using micropayments and how it improves your financial situation.
Banks want you to pay more in interest, which is why they only ask you to pay the minimum balance each month. Find out how minimum payments keep you in debt and how to pay down credit card debt successfully.
Credit card fraud negatively affects consumers, merchants and lenders. It continues to be a huge issue in Canada, so how can we protect ourselves? Two experts divulge into fraud prevention strategies.
Credit cards are required with some purchases for consumers, however filing bankruptcy means surrendering your cards. Doug Hoyes has 5 payment options if you don’t have access to a credit card.
The Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act states you must surrender all credit cards. Our experts offer advice on how to manage purchases without a credit card during bankruptcy and when you can apply for a new card.
Credit card use has increased across all demographics in Canada. In this blog find out how one of our clients fell into debt using credit and learn 7 signs that signal you're in credit card danger.
Consumers need credit for certain things, but can you get a credit card during a bankruptcy? Learn the pros and cons of obtaining new credit during, and after your bankruptcy.
Interest rates on credit cards are some of the highest among all available borrowing options. Ted Michalos explains why it's important to read those terms and conditions update when they come in the mail.
If you shared credit cards before a divorce, find out who is responsible for any credit card debt regardless of what your divorce agreement says and what happens if your ex-spouse fails to pay off the debt as agreed.
It seems like a simple concept, but some people do find themselves in a vicious cycle of only paying the minimum amount. Ted Michalos explains why paying more than the minimum benefits the consumer.
Doug Hoyes explains the legal duties of the supplementary card holder in the event the primary card holder files for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal.
We explain what you need to know about credit card use before bankruptcy, when you can get a credit card after filing bankruptcy and more in this guide to credit cards and bankruptcy.