Are you wondering what happens to your pension if the company you work for goes bankrupt? Doug Hoyes offers his professional insights on the corporate bankruptcy process with regards to pensions.
Insolvency Manager Scott Terrio does a deep dive into long term Canadian insolvency statistics to explain the economic and seasonal nature of insolvency filings in Canada.
Ted Michalos explores the asset profile of the average insolvency debtor from our annual bankruptcy study and explains why most insolvent debtors have very little assets at the time they file insolvency.
Doug Hoyes and Ted Michalos offer their annual insights into the consumer debt crisis. Learn more about why and how they have come to their prediction.
Has your financial literacy improved in the last 8 years, since Canada started Financial Literacy Month? If not, Doug Hoyes explains three aspects of finances that you should be highly proficient in.
In 2018, Tesla was showing warning signs of a possible bankruptcy. Doug Hoyes uses his excerpt skills to analyze Tesla’s financial problems, and how your personal finances can benefit from this knowledge.
Are you having some sort of a moral dilemma because you want to file for insolvency to create a fresh financial start for yourself? Find out 5 reasons why bankruptcy is not morally wrong.
Canadians are filing insolvency with less unsecured debts than ever before. But why? Doug Hoyes explains how high debt servicing costs and other factors that are driving this trend.
Based on the financial landscape in Canada in 2017, our experts predicted 3 types of bankruptcies that would most likely occur in 2018. This blog explores different types of bankruptcy situations.
Did you know that almost half of the insolvencies filed in Ontario involve payday loans? Our experts explore the statistics on how these predatory loans create more debt and why legislation won't help.
Learn more about trends of payday loan use with regards to Ontario debtors. In this blog post we provide actual data based on the insolvencies we have filed over the last year for our clients.
Every year we explore the top 10 Canadian economic factors that affect consumer debt and insolvency filings in Canada. Doug Hoyes explains what's behind the trend in debt levels, affordability and more.
Are credit and debt interchangeable? Find out why banks and credit card companies choose to use the phrase credit card, credit rating and credit score, despite credit really just meaning debt.
Many people think financial literacy is about learning terms, doing lot's of math like making a budget. Doug Hoyes explains why critical thinking is a more important skill to managing your money.
Even big companies can have buyers remorse. Doug Hoyes looks at how big companies make spending decisions based on wants and desires and what you can learn for your own finances.