Should you pay for third party advice when seeking a consumer proposal? We explain what a consumer proposal administrator is and why you should work directly with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee for debt help.
Learn about how a proposal deals with your unsecured creditors, whether you can hold back debts and how it may impact secured creditors like your mortgage or car loan.
Fall behind three payments and your consumer proposal will be annulled by law. If this has happened to you, find out if it’s possible to revive an annulled proposal and exactly how to do it.
Will a consumer proposal deal with your particular debts? Find out how student loans, credit cards, business debts and more are treated in a proposal, and if it’s right for your financial situation.
Do you want to learn more about the negotiation process involved in a consumer proposal? We'll explain what creditors might expect in a proposal based on internal policy and who does the negotiating.
Did you know there are rules in place when it comes to the way student loans are treated in an insolvency? Find out the rules to ensure your student debt is discharged or released in a consumer proposal.
Are you struggling with inconsistent income and increasing debts? A consumer proposal may be a great option for your debt relief. This blog explains five things you need to know about them before filing.
Are you wondering what a consumer proposal repayment plan looks like? Doug Hoyes explains 2 benefits of using this form of insolvency with actual examples of how it can affect your finances.
Filing a consumer proposal is a debt relief strategy that offers many advantages if you qualify. Explore our guide on conducting a consumer proposal assessment and one of the benefits of a proposal.
If both you and your partner struggle with common debt you are both liable for, we explain when it's possible to file one consumer proposal jointly and how this can save you money.
Licensed Insolvency Trustees are regulated by the federal government but obtain licenses to work in each province in Canada. Find out how where you live impacts where to find a trustee to work with.
Debt looks different for everyone and therefore the terms of a proposal will be different. We’ll discuss the common requirements of all proposals and why tailoring a proposal for you is important.
If you're going to file for a consumer proposal, we make sure your proposal payments fit your budget. In this blog, find out how to determine if you can afford payments.
Having job security is a luxury that not all individuals have, so what happens if you lose your job and extra debt starts building up? Explore a case study of one of our client’s in a similar situation.
Learning how to interview a debt advisor can be a useful skill if you are planning on filing for insolvency. Find out what a consumer proposal administer is, how they are licensed, associated fees and more.